confined space construction confined space

Construction Confined Space Final Rule Set for 2013

Construction confined space rule set was published in 2013.On January 8, 2013 OSHA published its Semiannual Regulatory Agenda. One of the items on the agenda is the issuance of a final rule on construction confined space safety. There is a general industry standard, 29 CFR 1910.146, on confined space safety, but it did not cover construction because construction sites have different and changing hazards associated with them. OSHA has been working a confined space safety rule for construction for the past decade, and is finally ready to issue the final rule in July 2013.

Construction Confined Space Standard Upcoming

Another final rule set to be issued in March 2013 is an updated construction confined space standard on electrical protective equipment worn during the construction of electric power transmission and distribution lines. In addition, the similar general industry standard will be amended so that requirements for maintenance work on electric power transmission and distribution installations will be the same as for similar work in construction. The final rule will also address fall protection in aerial lift for work on power generation, transmission, and distribution installations.

The agenda also includes plans to issue proposed rule making for occupational exposure to crystalline silica in May 2013 and for occupational exposure to beryllium in July 2013.

A long range item on the agenda is a proposed rule that would protect workers from occupational exposures to food flavorings containing diacetyl and diacetal substitutes. OSHA will base their health effects analysis and quantitative risk assessment for the rulemaking on a criteria document still being developed by NIOSH on these types of exposures.

For more information on the Semiannual Agenda of Regulations visit: 

For information on the existing confined space standards visit: 

Information about OSHA’s requirements for training on confined space entry is available at: